Registration is now OPEN!

The 2025 Spring bowling leagues will run for 10 weeks, starting the week of February 10 and conclude the last week of April. There will be two weeks off for winter and spring breaks.

League options are as follows:

This league will start on Monday, February 10 and run 10 weeks. Bowling each night will commence at 5:20pm. Unlike other leagues, this league is USBC sanctioned and will be totally managed by league bowler representatives. Teams will be comprised of 3 people, and the cost for each bowler will be $20 per week (plus a potential prize fund).

This league will start Tuesday, February 11, and run for 10 weeks. There is space for 10 teams of 4 people (age 18+), and the league will compete from 5:30pm - 7:30pm weekly. At least one roster member on each team must be of the opposite sex of another person on the team. The cost to participate in this league is $20 per bowler, per night.

This league will start Wednesday, February 12, and run for 10 weeks. There is space for 10 teams of 4 people (age 18+), and the league will compete from 5:30pm - 7:30pm weekly. At least one roster member on each team must be of the opposite sex of another person on the team. The cost to participate in this league is $20 per bowler, per night.

THURSDAY BUSINESS LEAGUE (2 sessions between 5:30 - 10pm)
This league will commence Thursday, February 13, and run for 10 weeks. Each week, teams will either be scheduled for an early shift, starting at 5:20pm, or a late shift, starting at 7:50pm. The league schedule will be published before the league commences and will outline which team bowl in which shift for the entire season - so bowlers can plan accordingly. There is availability for 20 teams comprised of 4 adult bowlers (18+), and each team must be comprised of 4 people all representing one local island business. The cost to participate in this league is $20 per bowler, per night.

This league will start Sunday, February 16, and run for 10 weeks. There is space for 10 teams of 4 people (age 18+), and the league will compete from 5:00pm - 7:00pm weekly. At least one roster member on each team must be of the opposite sex of another person on the team. The cost to participate in this league is $20 per bowler, per night.